About MVP Physical Therapy
"We Help active Adults and Weekend Warriors Recover From Injury, Stay Active, and Ease Those Stubborn Aches and Pains."
Click Play to Hear From Some Happy MVP Patients...
At MVP Physical Therapy we love to help people 40+ get back to living the life they deserve. Which means an active like keeping up with the kids, and grand-kids, and participating in all your hobbies all while free from painkillers, without the fear of pain holding you back and staying out of the doctor's office.
Chronic pain can strike when you least expect and seemingly overnight you are no longer able to do the things that you want to do. We know that it's easy when knee, low back, neck, and shoulder pain strike to hope it will "go away on it's own" with some rest and that one day you'll wake up "good as new." But that's usually not the case and many times things only get worse with time.
We also know how easy it can be to grab that pain meds to take the edge off. But all those pain pills are no good for your long term health and are really just a bandaid masking the pain and never addressing the root cause of your discomfort.
Maybe, you're feeling completely at a loss, confused, and possibly even skeptical because you've been given advice from other healthcare professionals or another physical therapist in the past and nothing has seemed to work.
Can You Relate?
Does that sound like you? If so, know that you're not alone. At MVP we hear stories like yours everyday...many (if not most) people that come to see us have often:
Thought the pain would go away on its own...but it didn't and probably got worse
Paid for a doctor visit, only to be told to "rest" and "take some painkillers" then weeks later go back to the doctor again only to be told the exact same thing.
Waited on another PT clinic wait list only to simply be given a short list of exercises, which did little to nothing to ease the pain.
Tried some Youtube exercises, but those didn't help or worse yet made things much worse.
Tried the prescribed rest, but all that did was make the area more stiff and tight.
Has been told by friends and family that "everyone gets aches and pains as they get older" making it easy to accept that it's "just part of life."
Any Of Those...Maybe All Sound Familiar?
If any of those sound like what you have experienced, we would love to help you by inviting you to book a call to speak with a PT. On this call you will learn how we can help you with your specific problem and your specific goals. The fact that you've tried some or all of these things already, like so many people we see, is actually a good thing! When you know what doesn't work, you are one step closer to finding the thing that does!
Clink the link below to book a call not with us to get some professional advice over the phone. The phone call is complimentary with absolutely no obligations. Our goal is to help you make the right decision, and make your next decision your best one yet.
Founded By Andrew Lentell
Since 2018 Andrew has been helping people just like you who want to stay active and healthy so they can get the most enjoyment out of life for years to come.
MVP Physical Therapy was founded with the goal of providing the highest quality personalized care to each individual patient. We believe that people age 40+ should have exceptionally better access to the best care focused on helping them stay active, mobile, independent, and free from pain killers.
If you would like to know how PT and MVP Physical Therapy can help you live with less pain and get back to feeling great again - we invite you to start with a completely free, no obligation, risk free discovery visit appointment at our clinic.

Note: This Discovery Visit is something that we offer to people who are nervous, skeptical, or unsure if physical therapy is right for them. If that sounds like you, then please book a Discovery visit so that we can work with you to find out what is wrong and what can be done without financial risk on your part.
We Love To Help People:
Keep Active - So you can keep up with your kids, take your grand children to the park with ease, and enjoy a nice round of golf, a run or walk any time that suits you.
Stay Free From Pain Killers - So you can break the routine of reaching in the cabinet each morning or whenever pain strikes. Plus, they're no good for your long term health and only mask the pain instead of fixing it.
Avoid Dangerous Surgery - We'll help you find the root cause of what's going on quick, so you don't have to get to the point of facing surgery.
Get More Enjoyment Out Of Life - So you can enjoy quality time with family and friends that aches and pains can steal you from, and finally get a great night sleep without tossing and turning to find the one semi comfortable position.
Long story short is that we love to help people get back to living free from the curse of chronic life inhibiting pain.
If you want to know what it costs, how we work with your insurance, and what availability we have at our clinic, please click the button below and complete the short form.
"Here's 3 People We've Helped Recently"
Please check out and enjoy these case study videos of people just like you who came to MVP Physical Therapy and left much happier and healthier:
Meet ___
Meet ___
Meet ___